A child learned to read, a woman returned to their in-laws, performance of teachers in the government primary school improved, better mid-day meal quality, hand pump got repaired… these endless impacts are driven by collectiveness of residents. Niwasi Sabha resources | niwais.in

These small benefits were neither the result of an NGO intervention nor were driven by influential community persons, but it happened because collectively related issues were raised at Niwasi Sabha meetings in the form of agenda, and decisions were taken collectively at the meeting and then acted on by a few residents on the behalf of the resident’s sabha decisions.

Niwasi Sabha Facilitation

  • 1Niwasi Sabha Intervention
  • 2Niwasi Sabha Facilitator
  • 3Training and organizational support to Facilitator.
  • 4Capacity building of Ward elected members, Mukhiya and Panchayat Committees.
  • 5Awareness program for the community.
  • 6Educational program for children, adolescents and youths. (Library Activities)
  • 7Assisted by Niwasi Mobile Application.

Outreach during Piloting

  1. Total of 331 Ward Sabhas conducted
  2. 2 blocks, 22 Gram panchayats from two districts.
  3. 60 months of activities conducted by Niwasi Sabha Facilitator.
  4. Total about 3 years of tools development and piloting activities. (2010 – 2014)
  5. Total Agenda Taken in the Niwasi Sabha – 978
  6. Total Decision taken – 329
  7. Average participants in ward Sabha 28 residents.

About Niwasi Sabha

Regular formal meeting of residents of an area is - Niwasi Sabha.
